Presentation instructions

Oral Presentation Guidelines

Presentations should not exceed 15 minutes and must be delivered using Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe PDF.

It is recommended that you structure your presentation to respect the time limit, following the guidelines below:

  • 2-3 minutes for introduction and objectives.
  • 4-5 minutes for methods and data.
  • 4-5 minutes for results and discussion.
  • 1-2 minutes for conclusion and future directions.

Slide formatting is free. However, if appropriate, it is suggested that you identify the congress and use its respective logo. The initial slide should include the Title, Authors, and Institution of the authors. 

Template: LINK 

Slide Creation Tips:

    • Clean Design: Use a clean and professional layout. Avoid excessive text and visual elements.
    • Fonts and Sizes: Use legible fonts, such as Times New Roman, and maintain appropriate sizes (titles from 36 pt and body text from 24 pt).
    • Images and Graphics: Use images and graphics to illustrate your points, but ensure they are relevant and of good quality.
    • Keep it Concise: Opt for keywords or concise phrases instead of long paragraphs. Remember that your presentation should complement your oral communication, not replace it.

 Poster Presentation Guidelines

Posters will be displayed in a designated area near the Main Auditorium and will be posted by the secretariat, as any type of fastening to the birch plywood panels using pins or other accessories that pierce or perforate them is prohibited.

  1. The poster should reflect the content of the article and should be structured with sections similar to those in the approved article.
  2. The poster may include images, figures, and graphs.
  3. The poster must include the first and last names of the authors, the authors’ affiliation (institutional identification), and email address.
    The size of the posters should be 90 cm wide by 120 cm high, and the text should be easily legible from a distance of 1 to 2 meters.
    Suggestions:a) Font: Times (Roman or New Roman) b) Title: Size 60, Bold
    c) Authors: Size 48
    d) Institution: Size 36
    e) Main text: Size 24 to 32
    f) Figures and Tables: Size 18 to 24
    g) Bibliography or footnotes: Size 14 to 18
    h) Additionally, ensure that there is good contrast between the font and the background, and avoid using more than 3 or 4 different font sizes to maintain clarity and visual organization.
  4. Use all caps only for section titles (INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, etc.); Line spacing: will depend on the amount of text, but the standard suggestion is 1.5.
  5. The poster must be delivered to the secretariat on the morning of October 16th or 17th, depending on whether the session takes place on the 1st or 2nd/3rd day of the congress, at the very beginning of the morning. There will be a discussion of the posters with the authors during coffee breaks and intervals between oral presentation sessions.

Poster template: LINK 


Poster Printing Suggestion

We recommend using the printing services of Chapa 5, located on the Azurém campus, in a building near the PLURIS 2024 venue. Chapa 5 offers a variety of printing services and is conveniently located. To request a quote and schedule your poster printing, please contact: 

     Reprografia Chapa 5

     Tel. +351 258 510 127


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